Hmmmm... I don't really know what my blog will be about. We'll just see where the blog takes us . I think I wanted to start a blog because I love looking at other people's blogs and I also just got a new camera : ) So pictures are fun. You will get to see more than your share of random pictures I'm sure. They won't always be random, but today they are. So here they are. My poor husband has had more pictures taken of him in the past few days then he cares for. I love my new camera : )
He's already plotting how to get me to not take pictures of him all the time. I wonder if he knows his scheming will never work...
This is me in a now familiar posture.

Yes, these are my glasses. I've had them forever, but I don't wear as much as I should. It's a shame because I can see so much better when I do.It's kind of like when I view the world through Biblical lenses, I can see so much clearer, and yet I still don't wear them as often as I should. For some reason I always think about that when I wear my glasses.
We decided to go up to Bakersfeild yesterday to visit Alan's best friend. This severley limited my oportunities to take pictures. The result was a lot of not so good pictures in our car. And I did find a random abandoned house/barn I want to go take pictures of. But the lighting was not so good at 6pm turns out. I'm going to try to go back in the early morning sometime.
This is our car frog. I won him at universal studios. (We think he's Fiona's dad from Shrek) At first he was just getting left in the car because we didn't really want him, but we have grown to love him over time and he now sits in a prominent place in our car. We are quite confidant that he will move from car to car over the years.