OK I have spent some time making a new header, what do you think? Do you like? Do you have any suggestions? Seriously I don't know, I have a ton of versions of this thing. Please let me know what you think!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Can I really have only been to San Diego once?
I know right! I have only been to San Diego once! Weird huh? I went down to San Diego wit my friend Rachel. Her family lives down there. It was really fun. I am glad I finally got to go!

I couldn't believe how close this pelican let me get. I know there is some zoom to a 50mm but not that much. I also couldn't get over how ugly these things were up close, yuck! It was all greasy looking and it had these gross claws on the end of it's beak. Pelicans always look so graceful in flight over the ocean. Oh well :-)
PS I just want to make sure everyone knows that lost is on tonight!!! Woowhoo!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sad Day Friend...Not Really

Ok, Ok, Ok, it's not wasn't such a bad day. I have definitely had worse. Sunday was my day of teaching the 2 &3 year old Sunday school class. It was really fun, and they were really cute. This week they were all so good, and such good listeners. Last week was insane!!! Fire Alarms and toddlers don't mix :-D. Then later that day our car broke down! I hate car problems. But luckily I have an amazing husband who knows how to look at a car and call our road side assistance ;) he he. Isn't he cute! We "just" had to have our starter replaced. (It could have been much worse). It wasn't really a bad day though. I really love my sweet kids (sniff, sniff), I got to have lunch with one of my bestest friends, my husband is soo cute, and I went to San Diego that night. (Not in our car). So my day was sad but not really, God still blesses me when things are going wrong and I don't deserve it!
Girls, Girls, Girls

Pro 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
I love this verse! It's so true, good friends sharpen each other. And these girls really do it, they are purposeful and a BIG encouragement to me! I love you guys!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Some of my favorite everyday memories from 2008
So ok there are a zillion pictures! What can I say we had a busy year :) Hope you enjoy

This is Bethel Baptist Church in Tredegar (Tre-dee-ga) Alan and I are going to do youth ministry here :) Very soon!

This is when I first got my camera, oh happy day.
My nieces above and below

This is Alan and his grandpa earlier this year before he passed away.

He is so much fun to be with
These are some great friends :)
The Bean!

2008 was a year of change for us which is always hard...good but hard. As I look at all the pictures from this year I am thankful that during this somewhat year of making big decisions and not knowing exactly what was going to happen God blessed us with great friends, family and a lot of really fun memories that I will cherish for a long time. We love all of you and are excited about 2009 to see what God is going to do in all of your lives. Once again I think we'll have some big changes this year, as of yesterday International Teams told us to go ahead and buy our one way plane tickets to Wales. So we have a tentative date for January 29th. We are soooo excited and a little sacred, but honestly I would rather be scared out of my mind and be in God's will than live out side of what He wants for our lives.

And how could any group of favorites be complete without my sister! I love this pic of her, she's pretty cute :)
2008 was a year of change for us which is always hard...good but hard. As I look at all the pictures from this year I am thankful that during this somewhat year of making big decisions and not knowing exactly what was going to happen God blessed us with great friends, family and a lot of really fun memories that I will cherish for a long time. We love all of you and are excited about 2009 to see what God is going to do in all of your lives. Once again I think we'll have some big changes this year, as of yesterday International Teams told us to go ahead and buy our one way plane tickets to Wales. So we have a tentative date for January 29th. We are soooo excited and a little sacred, but honestly I would rather be scared out of my mind and be in God's will than live out side of what He wants for our lives.
Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love Kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
So what do I want in 2009...to many things. What do I need? To walk humbly with my LORD.
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