Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kira's pics are long over due!

I was looking through this blog and noticed that last summer I said I would post pictures of Kira and I at Blenheim palace. Well, here they are long over due. 

One of the things I love about Blenheim are the grounds there is a big lake, a small waterfall, gardens upon gardens, and a maze. Kira and I sat by the lake for a while and just got to talk and take in the beautiful scenery. 

Converse girls :)

I think it's a man made waterfall but it's still pretty. 

So Kira bought an Oxford hoodie, she had been wearing it for a few days when we went to Blenheim. As she walked in front of me I noticed something. What are big sisters for if not to remind you of funny moments like these. Love you munchkin! 

 Really not the best picture but I put it up so you could feel the scale of it a bit better. I don't think you can fully appreciate it unless you see it in person, it's enormous. To think that one family lived here! Well actually one family still lives here but in order to pay for keeping this place up they charge people to come and see it.

(Oh man Kira I have been missing you like crazy! I miss how easy you are to talk and laugh with. I miss your cute face. I miss how compassionate you are. I miss taking you to starbucks! I miss having you within driving distance. So I propose this! Why don't you just transfer to Brooks University? It's literally up the road from me, I have a membership to their gym. Huge plus…they don't require gen ed at English Universities! So it usually only takes someone three years to get a degree…sounding better by the minute? At least I can suggest it right? I love you lots and am so excited to see where God leads you no matter where it is. But I'll be praying it's here ;)