We had a really random crazy week. I'll give it to ya day by day!
Monday: Disneyland, we had a blast with Kevin, Jodi and kids. It was great to get to do that with them. Disneyland is always fun, but there is just something extra special about Disneyland when it's all decorated for Christmas :)
Tuesday-Friday afternoon: Sadly we went from the happiest place on earth to a very scary. I know this pic is kinda sad, but it doesn't seem that bad to me. Maybe it's because there were scarier moments then this one.

This is my adorable lil sister. She was hospitalized on Tuesday evening. We just thought she had the flu until Tuesday, when we took her to Kaiser urgent care. Let me give you the very quick version. Kaiser Urgent care, Passing out, blood test, ambulance ride, AV hospital, not good news, transfusion, ambulance ride to panorama city, confusion & another transfusion, ambulance ride to woodland hills, a great hematologist, two more transfusions, iron levels, getting well enough to go home & still no reason why her hemoglobin's/red blood cells were a quarter of what they should be. Sounds like a desperate situation? Nope...not at all. People have asked me a lot this week how I am doing. Was I scared, yep, was I worried yep, did I need to be nope. Kira has always been and will always be in God's hands not mine. This situation could have been SO much worse. I am thankful to God for my sister...she's pretty much awesome, she had a good attitude and could still laugh, joke, and smile for a picture this whole week. Funny enough this week reminded me of how good God is, no matter what. We still don't know what we are going to find out when all of the tests come back in, but I do know one thing, I will trust in the Lord.
Psa 13:5-6 "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me."
Psa 18:2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Friday evening: Ok so as if the rest of the week wasn't already weird. Friday night we went to a Bryan Adams concert. Lol, we were definitely the youngest people there. Why, you must be wondering? Well Alan actually really really likes Bryan Adams. Weird, huh? I will have to say I don't love Bryan Adams but I did really enjoy the concert.

Sorry all of these were taken on Alan's phone. They don't let you take camera's in. Although it seemed like everyone had one. Anywho, I didn't bring mine because I knew you weren't allowed. So hopefully that explains the the pics & the video, bad lighting, people talking and singing all around us. Speaking of the people there, man there were some weird people there! Who knew Bryan attracted such an eclectic group. My favorite must have been when this ummm older woman got up on stage and started dancing (nothing bad...well she was a bad dancer but nothing gross, ya know) Alan just shuddered and said eww, you know that's some one's mom. Believe me it was pretty funny. Sorry I didn't get a picture of that to show you guys, I know that would have got some laughs. It was definitely an interesting experience...but we had a fun night.
This is for you Hallie...tehe :D I know it's your favorite.
I love B. Adams- especially when he doesn't bring attitude onto the stage. I am glad for the updates..thanks for sharing about your sister and a prayer goes out for wisdom of the doctors.
* I know the mermaid pic. was creepy...I couldn't stay put and had to hold onto her hand-lol
You're awesome...that was a long post...You guys do some fun stuff...I like that
So sorry about your sister. We will keep praying for her.
What a week! The Bryan Adams clip makes me laugh but don't count on EVER seeing me there. :-) All I can say is, you are a faithful and loving wife!
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