Meet Frank...my first turkey. He was a yummy turkey! I usually don't like thanksgiving food that much, but this year was fun. I like cooking, I think this made me like the food better. I brined this turkey! I did some turkey research and made up my own recipe for the brine. Oh the wonders of wiki how. It actually made a huge difference though. There wasn't a dry piece on him. (Oh yeah I know you like my morning hair, ehhh?)

This is him all cooked and ready to go. Of course my first thanksgiving couldn't be without a hiccup. So.... do you see it? behind the orange bowl? It is the sweet potatoes, you know the kind with marshmallows on top? Well apparently marshmallows don't like fan ovens (do you have those in the US?) or something because the marshmallows exploded all over my oven! Luckily they were the last thing I was heating up so I didn't need to cook anything else in my marshmallow oven.
OK here's the Thankful list!
- I am thankful for being saved!!! First and foremost.
- I really am thankful for this sanctification process even though it really hurts sometimes.
- I am so thankful for Alan, that I have a wonderful husband who loves the Lord and it shows.
- I am thankful for our families
- I am thankful for my friends new ones in Oxford, and old ones in America. I miss you guys so much!
- I am thankful for our phone! So I can talk to those old friends! (also facebook, skype, and email)
- I am thankful it's Christmas time!!!
- ....and I am thankful that I have to die to myself in order to live for Him!
Anna you are always so cute. The food looks so good. We are so thankful for you guys. Happy Thanksgiving!
This is like the best post ever!!! I'm thankful for your crate and barrel bowls. I don't think I'll ever get over those things.
Cari, I will never get over them either. I love them!!!
The Jackson's are thankful for you!!! We miss you. We are defenitely coming out to your place now that you can cook like that!! It looks like a Food Network commercial. Way to go!!
The food was delicious!
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