Sunday, July 27, 2008

Final Fling 08!

Five Days of Knights (A life of service to the king)

Final Fling was awesome this year! (Not that any other year wasn't) We had such a good time learning, growing, having awesome conversations, and just hanging out! We went to Lake Casitas, which is in Ventura. We had the best of both worlds, the beach and a lake! This years theme was pretty much awesome, Alan and Braden taught on how to live a life of service to THE KING, they picked out great examples from the Bible of people who dedicated their lives to following the Lord and taught on different things we could learn from each one. This is how a normal day went: Get up, sunrise singing, breakfast, game, worship, sermon, beach (or activity), lunch, continue activity/beach, dinner, worship, sermon, game, campfire, hanging out, sleep/talking in the tents (which was awesome!). Needless to say I had a good time, but I guess it helps that we have the most awesome Junior Highers ever!!!

Sand Angel...duh

She pretty much rocks... this picture was taken just after she won a arm wrestling contest with a guy staff member (cough Scott cough), who cares that her arm was numb for 15 minuets afterwards :) She still won!

Whoa...Alan is shrinkning?

Junior highers and sand... a lot of people got burried last week.

Such fun girls! Carly really got some air!

Thomas the shark :)

I love these girls!

Hannah and Anna...

Nothing says camping like fooseball!

Braden and Alan split the sermons. They did a great job!
We had a lot of fun on this trip! It was such a joy to watch kids grow closer to their savior, I know I had some awesome small group times with my girls. The guys did a great job of planning this camp!


Cathy said...

I've been waiting for this post! I love the theme. Looks like you guys had a great week!

Nici Clark said...

Aww... I miss it already! What an encouraging and amazing week! I love those kids!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I really enjoyed reading about the camp! I am happy you love the Lord and use your gifts to teach Junior High girls. You make my mommy heart happy! I love you & Alan and look forward to more updates from my techinically and camera savy daughter!