Monday, January 5, 2009

Some of my favorite everyday memories from 2008

So ok there are a zillion pictures! What can I say we had a busy year :) Hope you enjoy

This is Bethel Baptist Church in Tredegar (Tre-dee-ga) Alan and I are going to do youth ministry here :) Very soon!

This is when I first got my camera, oh happy day.

My nieces above and below

This is Alan and his grandpa earlier this year before he passed away.

Alan and I went to Catalina for our one year anniversary, it was sooo much fun!

Morro Bay for 4th of July/ Gary's 60th Birthday

He is so much fun to be with

These are some great friends :)

The Bean!

And how could any group of favorites be complete without my sister! I love this pic of her, she's pretty cute :)

2008 was a year of change for us which is always hard...good but hard. As I look at all the pictures from this year I am thankful that during this somewhat year of making big decisions and not knowing exactly what was going to happen God blessed us with great friends, family and a lot of really fun memories that I will cherish for a long time. We love all of you and are excited about 2009 to see what God is going to do in all of your lives. Once again I think we'll have some big changes this year, as of yesterday International Teams told us to go ahead and buy our one way plane tickets to Wales. So we have a tentative date for January 29th. We are soooo excited and a little sacred, but honestly I would rather be scared out of my mind and be in God's will than live out side of what He wants for our lives.
Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love Kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
So what do I want in many things. What do I need? To walk humbly with my LORD.

1 comment:

G-Unit said...

:) and :(
That is one of my most favorite I love you.